If you are a gambling addict, then send me $20. I might send back $100.
Gaslighting: punya domain berharap jadi gede, tapi jarang diolah.
Tahun 2024 dan semua orang bisa punya website mereka sendiri.
When artificial intelligence meets natural stupidity.
Saya lebih sering baca manga dibandingkan baca artikel. Anda dapat temui akun MangaDex Forum (XenForo) di sini:...
Baca segala post baru di sini: https://forum.bersosial.com/find-new/0/posts
I sleep because I need to. Nggak ada yang "susah", adanya "berlebih": berlebih tidur, berlebih begadang, berlebih malas.
Pindah domain: https://www.bersosial.com/ -> https://forum.bersosial.com/
Steven Universe animated series can't come back because half the staff has been outed as a sex pest or died from aids.
Balik lagi besok depan dan cek apa yang baru https://www.bersosial.com/find-new/posts
Langkah 1: https://bersosial.com/forums/-/mark-read, Langkah 2: "mark all forums read", Langkah 3: https://bersosial.com/find-new/posts
@KangAndre banyak forum bermigrasi dari phpBB atau generic ke XenForo atau Discourse.
Versi XenForo yang dipakai Bersosial.com itu out-to-dated. Saya sekedar mengingatkan.
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Kapan-kapan jalan-jalan coba-coba lama-lama makan-makan gado-gado pulang-pulang.
Did you know Sir Isaac Newton spent years dealing with merchants who would shave the edges off coins instead of advancing math and physics?
Documentaries scare me more than horror movies because they make me realize that I will die one day and cease to exist.
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Coba sendiri, bagaimana kamu mengucapkan ini: "Geschlechtsverkehr".
Separate names with a comma.